Friday, August 22, 2014


Wow! What a week!  First week back to school is always a crazy one. The kids seem to be loving their teachers and classes so that's a plus. Here is a pic of them from the first day of school.

Now time for my favorite thing on Friday! The Friday Confessional link up with Leslie from A Blonde Ambition.  

1.) I confess that I'm not good at writing papers. I have a paper due on Sunday for my Human Relations class and I find myself not knowing where to start. I just stare at my computer screen totally blank. I know what I just read and I understand it, I just have problems writing about it. I'm sure after this one I will get the hang of it again. 

2.) I confess that next week is going to be crazy! Monday-Volleyball game in Huntsville, Tuesday-Volleyball game here, Wednesday-One Direction concert in St. Louis, Thursday-Travel home from St. Louis and volleyball game in Mountain Home. Eek! Note to self: Buy earplugs for St. Louis

3.) I confess that I LOVE Taylor Swift's "SHAKE IT OFF" song and video! She is just too cute. I took Katelynn to one of her concerts a few years ago and have been a huge fan since then.  Haters gonna hate. 


Friday, August 15, 2014


I love doing the Confessional Friday link up with Blonde Ambition! This week has been an especially busy week. Lots of back to school events and trying to catch up at work from being gone all week last week. Sooo I'm ready for the weekend!!

1.) I confess that I have not done any back to school shopping for the kids. No school supplies. Not a thing. Needless to say you will know what I will be doing this weekend. 

2.) I confess that I haven't been to the gym at all this week. And it's killing me. I can tell a major difference in my energy when i go to the gym vs not going. Hopefully Monday I will be back on track. 

3.) I confess that I'm not ready for school to start back just yet. Well obviously since I haven't bought any back to school stuff. But really, I'm going to miss staying up late with the kids. I just get more time with them in the Summer. Oh and I'm going to miss sleeping in the extra 45 minutes in the mornings. 

4.) I confess that I'm still going to school myself. I start back Monday too. I'm taking a Human Relations class this semester so hopefully it won't be too bad. Slowly but surely I will have my degree finished. 

5.) I confess that I'm addicted to Gossip Girl. Apparently the show started in 2007 but I hadn't even heard about it until I found it on Netflix about a month ago. 


Thursday, August 14, 2014


Last week we enjoyed a wonderful family vacation at the beach in Destin Florida.

We spent one day at the Naval Museum in Pensacola Florida. We planned our trip there on a day when the Blue Angels were practicing. It was amazing! 

Blue Angels practice
Naval Museum Pensacola FL

Every morning consisted of a trip to Destin Commons Starbucks(less than a mile from our condo) for my favorite drink and then to the beach!

Brother and Sister love 

#5 Goblin love 

#3 Baseball love 

 I sure do love these two

 Sunsets on the beach 

Family pic at Pompano Joe's

My blanket I made in a previous post turned out to be an awesome beach blanket!



Sunday, August 3, 2014

Weekend Recap

Wow! Where did the weekend go? 

Friday night I spent 4 hours getting all of my Rhea Lana items tagged and priced. Attention Moms: If your kids have outgrown their clothes, Rhea Lana is the place to sell them.Their website explains everything. It's super easy. This will be my 3rd time consigning.

Saturday was Lake day with the family. We love our Lake days. It's soo peaceful and fun at the same time. We rode this Hot Dog for the first time this weekend. The kiddos even got me on it. And yes I'm very sore today. I ended up doing somersaults off that thing and pretty sure I have internal bruising lol Good times though. Reggie enjoyed me riding it with him. Not sure I'll ever get back on that thing again.

Kids on the Hot Dog

Family time just chillin

Sunday we went to Mtn Home to drop off my Rhea Lana items. I love the fact that I just drop off the clothes and I never have to worry with them again. I watch my sales online live too! The items that don't sell will be donated. Super easy. After we dropped off the items Marcie took us to Chili's to eat. I ordered the Mango Chile Chicken. Wow! Probaly one of the best meals I have ordered from a restaurant. I went straight to Google and found a copy cat recipe. I'm going to make it when we get back from vacation.

Not my personal pic but it looks exactly like my plate today

Here is a link to the copy cat recipe. Chili's Mango Chile Chicken  Can't wait to try it out! 


Friday, August 1, 2014


I have really been wanting to do the Friday Confessional link with Blonde Ambition soo here ya go:

1.) I confess that on Monday I wore my Piko backwards until 3 p.m. How did I not notice this before then? I don't have a clue.

2.) I confess that I am really looking forward to Destin next week but I'm a little scared of the Fox Headline news lately. Fox News Flesh Eating Bacteria Really?! 

3.) I confess that I have been neglecting my blog lately. I really need to work on at least posting once a week.

4.) I confess that we haven't had cable since February and we don't miss it at all. We now have Netflix and Hulu Plus. And our favorite shows like Pretty Little Liars, we use our laptop to stream it on our tv. This saves alot of money!

5.) I confess that this has been the longest week and I'm soo happy its Friday!! Lake tomorrow! 

6.) I confess that I really want a new blog name but can't think of one. Help!
